Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sun Herald Endorsement for Congress: My Grandfather

Last week the Sun Herald endorsed Star Trek's Khan for Congress. This week, they endorsed my grandfather. Let's go through it.

The Sun Herald is basically begging people to support Gene Taylor. Here are some excerpts and the translation.
Those employees have no stronger advocate than Taylor.
Taylor is an advocate.
And since he ranks fourth in seniority among the 60 members of the House Armed Services Committee, Taylor is in an especially advantageous position to be an advocate for the Coast.
Taylor has seniority.
He also serves as chairman of the Seapower and Expeditionary Forces Subcommittee, which has an annual budget of approximately $60 billion to spend on Navy and Marine Corps programs.
Taylor is a subcommittee chairman.
This is experience and stature that South Mississippians can take to the bank, and influence which could not be replaced anytime soon by any of Taylor’s opponents.
Taylor has influence.
He’ll hop on a plane and go to the other side of the world if he thinks he can make life a little safer for Americans serving in harm’s way. His concern for and care for our troops is an important reason that he has long been so popular among South Mississippians.
Taylor cares about the troops.
He lost everything but life to Katrina and he’s determined to make such disasters less ruinous for others. He is one of the most knowledgeable members of Congress on the insurance issue so important to Americans living near a shoreline — and that’s more than half of all Americans.
Taylor is determined and knowledgeable.
So why would the sensible constituents of the 4th Congressional District gamble on another candidate?
It is obvious. Gene Taylor is a determined and knowledgeable senior advocate with influence who chairs a subcommittee and cares about the troops.

Other than him not being a subcommittee chairman, the Sun Herald basically endorsed my grandfather to be congressman.

(And with Gene Taylor saying he won't vote for Nancy Pelosi, even if the Democrats retain the House, he won't be a subcommittee chairman next time.)

My grandfather and Gene Taylor have something else in common. Both have accomplished nothing for the Fourth Congressional District over the past twenty years.

That is the real reason thousands of sensible constituents of the 4th Congressional District will take a sure thing on another candidate.

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