The 4th Congressional District deserves a representative who understands our district and will vote responsibly.
We need a true conservative who will put Mississippi first, and that person is Steven Palazzo.
For too long the 4th District has not had a true conservative who will stand for what he believes and supports a conservative mission.
We need Steven Palazzo in Congress. I believe Steven to be a man of integrity, faith and love for his family and country. These are ideals we as Mississippians hold dear.
I strongly encourage you to support Steven Palazzo as he labors for the betterment of our state and our country.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Former 4th District Nominee Urges Support for Palazzo
In 2008, John McCay won the Republican nomination to face Democrat Congressman Gene Taylor in the general election. Taylor won. Showing no signs of sour grapes and all signs of supporting his party, this year John McCay is urging voters to support Steven Palazzo.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Democrats Bankroll Gene Taylor
Lest anyone think Gene Taylor is independent from his National Democratic Party, check out how the Democrats bankrolled his campaign.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Gene Taylor throwing Dems under the buss
Gene Taylor says he voted for John McCain and not Barack Obama. He says he voted for Pelosi to help with insurance reform and now he isn't going to vote for her again, so we guess insurance reform is off the table.
Gene Taylor can't work with Democrats, and he isn't a Republican, so what good is he?
Gene Taylor can't work with Democrats, and he isn't a Republican, so what good is he?
Taylor complained that Republicans were trying to jump on the admission. “They’re trying to make it a sign of desperation,” he said.It IS a sign of desperation. He is doing whatever it takes to get reelected and willing to throw anyone under the bus to make it happen.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Buffington Has Opponents
Remember Larry Buffington? Sid Salter said he put the "Buff in judicial buffoonery."
Judge Larry Buffington admitted:
• He violated the Mississippi Constitution
• He violated the Code of Judicial Conduct
• He brought disrepute on the Court with his willful misconduct
• He didn’t care when he broke the law
• He uses his position as Judge to appoint his friends to office
A case against him by the Mississippi Judicial Performance Committee is pending at the Mississippi Supreme Court.
Well, Larry Buffington has two opponents for reelection coming up on November 2.
Douglas Magee and David Shoemake
David Shoemake:

Douglas Magee
Judge Larry Buffington admitted:
• He violated the Mississippi Constitution
• He violated the Code of Judicial Conduct
• He brought disrepute on the Court with his willful misconduct
• He didn’t care when he broke the law
• He uses his position as Judge to appoint his friends to office
A case against him by the Mississippi Judicial Performance Committee is pending at the Mississippi Supreme Court.
Well, Larry Buffington has two opponents for reelection coming up on November 2.
Douglas Magee and David Shoemake
David Shoemake:
Douglas Magee

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Clinton Reid - Clinton Childers
From the Bill Clinton campaign trail: these are the guys he wants back in Washington DC in two weeks.
Bill Clinton campaigning for Harry Reid

Two days later, Bill Clinton campaigning for Travis Childers
Bill Clinton campaigning for Harry Reid

Two days later, Bill Clinton campaigning for Travis Childers

Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Gene Taylor hit by the surge
Today from Marshall Ramsey

Gene Taylor didn't build it high enough, according to the new Tarrance Group poll that has Steven Palazzo in the lead by two points.

Gene Taylor didn't build it high enough, according to the new Tarrance Group poll that has Steven Palazzo in the lead by two points.
NAACP Rallies Against "Racist" Tea Party
This is the face of the Tea Party in Mississippi: Bill Marcy

And the NACCP thinks the Tea Party is racist.

And the NACCP thinks the Tea Party is racist.
The NAACP held a rally at the state capitol on Wednesday speaking about the Tea Party Activism around the country and in Mississippi. The rally was in light of a national report released by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. In the report it discusses certain areas of the country where Tea Partiers have crossed the line and conducted in "racist" behavior. NAACP state chapter President, Derrick Johnson says they are concerned with these findings. "We cannot afford in the state of Mississippi to go backwards." Johnson continued, "It is bad across the country."
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
NRCC: Travis Childers, Just The Facts
The National Republican Congressional Committee has a greatest hits web page up called with video and various items including the following.
•The Daily Journal (Tupelo, MS) said Travis Childers’ campaign made “a serious misjudgment” in one of its attack ads. The premise of Childers’ ad is “simply not true,” and the campaign “should pull the…ad” because it “lowers the quality of debate.” Further, the Commercial Dispatch (Columbus, MS) called claims made in the same ad “unfair,” “lame,” and “misleading.” (Additional Information)
•Travis Childers voted for Barack Obama’s $787 billion dollar stimulus plan that has left the nation deeper in debt while Mississippi unemployment hit a 23-year high. Even worse, his vote helped give tax breaks to foreign companies creating jobs in China. (Additional Information)
•Travis Childers wrote a letter to a judge asking for leniency in the sentencing of disgraced lawyer Joey Langston, who pleaded guilty to trying to bribe a judge on behalf of his client Dickie Scruggs. Less than one month after Childers wrote the leniency letter for Joey Langston, Childers took a twenty-three hundred dollar campaign check from Langston’s lawyer, the maximum allowable contribution. (Additional Information)
•Travis Childers has supported higher taxes. He voted for a permanent extension of the current death tax rate, which the Wall Street Journal calls “the largest increase in the death tax in U.S. history,” and he voted for an increase in carried interest and enterprise value taxes. But Travis Childers has been delinquent in paying his property taxes six times since getting elected to Congress, and late a total of 221 times since 1999 – even as he served as a county official in charge of collecting other people’s property taxes. (You may find additional information here. You may find additional information about his tax delinquency here and here.)
Newt seeks contributions for Palazzo
From Newt Gingrich's contribution appeal for Steven Palazzo and four other candidates.
We are just two weeks away from some of the most important mid-term elections in our nation's history, and members of American Solutions PAC have already made a big difference.In related news, Dick Morris also sees this as a competitive race.
Together we have raised a total of over $100,000 for ten candidates running in races that are absolutely critical in our efforts to take back the House.
But Republicans need to win 39 seats to take back the House from Speaker Nancy Pelosi. So this week we are featuring another five candidates.
These candidates are running in the most competitive Congressional races in the entire nation, and they need your support.
It is absolutely critical that you contribute to these candidates, and your donation will go directly to their campaigns:
Steven Palazzo is running against 10-term career Democrat politician Gene Taylor. One of the most conservative House districts in the country to be occupied by a Democrat, it is time for a true voice for the people of Mississippi. Donate to Steven here.
The outcome of their races could determine who controls Congress, and the very future of our nation is at stake.
Democratic House seats that no one would have imagined are vulnerable, and races thought to be blowouts for Democrats are now neck and neck, he says.
“That really is an advantage to Republicans -- first because the undecided almost always go against the incumbent, and second because Republicans are so much more enthusiastic about voting this year that I think their turnout will be much higher.”
Morris cites several incumbent Democrats earlier considered prohibitive favorites who are likely headed for defeat: Reps. John Dingell of Michigan, Corrine Brown of Florida, John Hall of New York, Mike Ross of Arkansas and Gene Taylor of Mississippi.
Bennie Thompson's Supports Obama, but hoarding money
Bennie Thompson is still supporting Barack Obama as he says in this video in which he criticizes President Bush for the veto of two farm bills he says were necessary for the Delta.
However, Democrats are criticizing Thompson and his colleagues for hoarding cash.
However, Democrats are criticizing Thompson and his colleagues for hoarding cash.
Cash-strapped House Democrats are beginning to feel Scrooged by politically safe elder statesmen who won't part with stockpiles of campaign money.
Allyson Schwartz of Pennsylvania has $3.5 million in the bank. Ed Markey and Richie Neal of Massachusetts have a combined $5.9 million — at a time when Republican Scott Brown's special-election Senate victory has Democrats worried that they'll lose the open 10th District based on Cape Cod. Brad Sherman of California has $2.9 million, Lloyd Doggett of Texas has $2.8 million, Jerry Costello of Illinois has $2.4 million, and Bennie Thompson of Mississippi has $2 million.
"I would use the word shameful. Embarrassing and shameful. There are people on this list who are chairmen. There are people on this list who want to be chairman. And then obviously No. 6 ," said the chief of staff to another Democrat in a top-tier race. "It's incredibly short-sighted. If they ever want to run for something, someone's going to slam them on the fact that they just sat on [millions]."
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
DCCC Calls Taylor a Nazi?
Did the DCCC call Gene Taylor a Nazi? Not quite, but almost. We don't believe Gene Taylor deserves that attack, but then we aren't the DCCC.
National Democrats have charged that a House candidate endorsed by a controversial anti-immigration group has “Nazi ties” — but six other congressional Democrats also have the group’s endorsement.Just so we're clear here, we do not think Gene Taylor is a Nazi. We don't know if he has embraced this endorsement. And honestly, we don't even know anything about ALIPAC. What we do know is the DCCC is pretty quick to use the "Nazi" tag and get dirty, and this time some of that mud has blown back on one of their own candidates.
The group, Americans for Legal Immigration, or ALIPAC, supports candidates and incumbents who oppose creating a path to citizenship for the thousands of undocumented immigrants in the United States. The Anti-Defamation League has criticized ALIPAC for what it says is support from white supremacist and racist groups.
“Another [National Republican Congressional Committee] Young Gun candidate, another Nazi tie — it should come as no surprise,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Andy Stone said in a statement Monday. He said the group was “on the racist fringe” and that it was “backed by anti-Semites and white supremacists.”
The DCCC statement was aimed at Arizona congressional candidate Jesse Kelly, the Republican who is challenging Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the state’s 8th District.
But six Democrats: Reps. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Gene Taylor of Mississippi, Pete DeFazio of Oregon, Mike McIntyre of North Carolina and Jim Marshall and John Barrow of Georgia, all have the group’s endorsement.
But at least one, McIntyre, has touted the group’s endorsement. POLITICO calls and e-mails to the other five Democrats were not immediately returned.
ALIPAC adamantly denies any voluntary association with white supremacist or neo-Nazi groups.
The ADL has carefully documented white supremacist groups that have encouraged their members to attend ALIPAC events or have posted ALIPAC information on their own websites. They have also pointed out white supremacist groups that have encouraged their members to attend rallies or lobby members of Congress in support of ALIPAC goals.
Newt Gingrich Endorses Steven Palazzo
Y'all Politics has a press release from Steven Palazzo's campaign touting the endorsement Newt Gingrich for Palazzo. As far as we can tell, Palazzo is the only candidate in any Mississippi race endorsed by Gingrich and American Solutions.
Alexandria, Virginia – Speaker Newt Gingrich and American Solutions has officially announced its endorsement of conservative Republican Steven Palazzo (MS-04).
“Mississippi’s 4th Congressional District is one of the most conservative districts in the country, but has been represented by a Democrat who votes with Nancy Pelosi's agenda nearly 80 percent of the time. Steven Palazzo is a true representative of the values of his conservative district and will fight to create jobs in South Mississippi through less spending and less taxing,” said Speaker Newt Gingrich.
“I am honored to be endorsed by American Solutions. Speaker Gingrich is the leader on conservative issues and solutions. When elected, I will carry the conservative banner in Congress and get American families back to work,” said Palazzo.
Gingrich says, “Any time an incumbent is at only 44 percent, the challenger is in an ideal position for victory. Palazzo is within two points of Gene Taylor and has a real chance to take back a conservative seat.”
Monday, October 18, 2010
Heck of a job Taylor
"That guy has to run against me,'' Taylor said. "And I've got a heck of a record."
Right, heck of a job Taylor. We've heard that one before. And if you think FEMA was slow, what has Gene Taylor done over the past twenty years in congress?
Actually, we don't want to be totally dismissive. He has fought to rename a bunch of Post Offices, and for that we say, heck of a job Taylor.
Right, heck of a job Taylor. We've heard that one before. And if you think FEMA was slow, what has Gene Taylor done over the past twenty years in congress?
Actually, we don't want to be totally dismissive. He has fought to rename a bunch of Post Offices, and for that we say, heck of a job Taylor.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Veterans of Foreign Wars: Gene Taylor "can't ride that wagon anymore"
The Hattiesburg American has news on Democrat Gene Taylor's run against combat veteran Steven Palazzo. Basically, they are looking to rescind Taylor's endorsement and Taylor "can't ride that wagon anymore."
National Veterans of Foreign Wars officials want the organization's political action committee to rescind its congressional endorsements in the November elections, including one for Congressman Gene Taylor.
Bill Perkins, senior vice commander for VFW Post 3063 in Hattiesburg, said he understood that the national office had received thousands of calls and e-mails on the endorsements. The VFW has 2.1 million members.
Taylor's campaign has aired commercials about the VFW-PAC endorsement and included it on his campaign website,
Perkins said the VFW's demand that the PAC rescind its endorsements means that Taylor "can't ride that wagon anymore."
Dems turning on each other, attack Thompson for hording money
Erica Payne at the Huffington Post attacked Bennie Thompson and other Democrats for not sharing their wealth with their colleagues.
Like a chubby kid stockpiling his Dunk-a-roos at snack-time, many Democratic politicians in safe seats are hoarding their goodies while embattled colleagues go hungry this campaign season. The bottom line is: vulnerable Democrats are begging donors for cash -- $2,400 at a time, while their colleagues are sitting on millions of dollars they could unleash with a pen stroke. So what is it? Senate aspirations? Bag lady syndrome? Who knows? And, frankly, who cares? It's time we taught our little hoarders to share.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Pelosi gives Childers permission to run against her
Just like on the ObamaCare vote, Travis Childers has to wait until Democratic House Leadership - Nancy Pelosi - gives him permission to do the conservative thing. Now Travis Childers is running against Pelosi, but according to the New York Times, he apparently has "her blessing" to do so.
Biting the hand that feeds you is not always a successful strategy, but it underscores the stakes in the Nov. 2 elections. Many Democrats are doing whatever it takes to try to keep their majority.
And they apparently have Ms. Pelosi’s blessing.
“I just want them to win,” Ms. Pelosi said in a recent interview on “NewsHour” on PBS when asked about the defectors.
The number of defecting Democrats is hard to quantify since some, like Mr. Bright in Alabama and Representative Gene Taylor of Mississippi, have said flat out that they would not vote for Ms. Pelosi while others have only signaled that they might not.
Representative Travis W. Childers of Mississippi said he would “like to see someone more moderate” as speaker.
These Democrats are trying to run as quasi-Republicans, he said, but voters will not support them when real Republicans are on the ballot.
Many Democrats are now boasting about how often they vote with the Republicans. When his Republican challenger said that Mr. Taylor “chooses Nancy Pelosi over Mississippi,” Mr. Taylor said that of the 1,466 votes he had cast since January 2009, “Nancy Pelosi agreed with my vote 34 times,” or 2 percent of the time.
Nunnelee & Palazzo Outraise Dems in 3rd Quarter
Republicans Alan Nunnelee and Steven Palazzo both outraised their opponents in the 3rd Quarter according to FEC reports. While Democrats Travis Childers and Gene Taylor still lead in cash on hand, the momentum is clearly with the GOP as Dem donors appear tapped out.
DC's Hotline called Palazzo a winner in the money race
Travis Childers
3rd Quarter
Raised: $307,027.67
Spent: $711,949.08
Year To Date
Raised: $1,635,331.93
Spent: $1,141,534.45
Cash On Hand: $494,848.04
Debt: $100,000
Alan Nunnelee
3rd Quarter
Raised: $475,526
Spent: $403,928.79
Year To Date
Raised: $1,358,126.78
Spent: $1,060,039.95
Cash On Hand: $322,988.99
Gene Taylor
3rd Quarter
Raised: $159,535
Spent: $175,147.80
Year To Date
Raised: $623,844.98
Spent: $532,797.37
Cash On Hand: $331,071.71
Steven Palazzo
3rd Quarter
Raised: $311,534.50
Spent: $134,083.72
Year To Date
Raised: $501,593.50
Spent: $330,011.69
Cash On Hand: $203,581.81
Debt: $32,000
DC's Hotline called Palazzo a winner in the money race
Once thought to be longshots, Republicans Bobby Schilling, who's taking on Rep. Phil Hare (D-IL), and Steven Palazzo, who's challenging Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS), both managed to haul in more than the incumbents. The showing by both validates their status as real upset picks on Nov. 2.and said elsewhere
The list goes on and on: Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) wasn't even in the fundraising ballpark of his Republican challenger Jackie Walorski, who outraised the congressman, $546K to $323K. Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS), a popular conservative Democratic facing his first serious race in many years, got badly outraised by Republican Steven Palazzo. We're still tabulating all the numbers, but if the trends hold up, we could see a record number of Democratic incumbents getting outraised in the last three months by their Republican challengers - another empirical bit of evidence that 2010 is shaping up to be a Republican rout.Here are the numbers.
Travis Childers
3rd Quarter
Raised: $307,027.67
Spent: $711,949.08
Year To Date
Raised: $1,635,331.93
Spent: $1,141,534.45
Cash On Hand: $494,848.04
Debt: $100,000
Alan Nunnelee
3rd Quarter
Raised: $475,526
Spent: $403,928.79
Year To Date
Raised: $1,358,126.78
Spent: $1,060,039.95
Cash On Hand: $322,988.99
Gene Taylor
3rd Quarter
Raised: $159,535
Spent: $175,147.80
Year To Date
Raised: $623,844.98
Spent: $532,797.37
Cash On Hand: $331,071.71
Steven Palazzo
3rd Quarter
Raised: $311,534.50
Spent: $134,083.72
Year To Date
Raised: $501,593.50
Spent: $330,011.69
Cash On Hand: $203,581.81
Debt: $32,000
Friday, October 15, 2010
Gene Taylor Double Talk on Pelosi
Why did Gene Taylor vote for Nancy Pelosi?
Was it because he didn't like Republican John Boehner?
Was it because she promised him her help on insurance reform?
No, it means he wants to get reelected, that is his top priority. He will worry about insurance reform, worry about the Coast, later. His brilliant plan to get someone else to keep his promise failed, now he has no plan. That's the problem of being both ineffective and alienated from your party.
Was it because he didn't like Republican John Boehner?
Taylor has said that he voted for Pelosi mainly because he disagreed strongly with her opponent, Rep. John Boehner. He has said he would not vote for her again.If so, why didn't he not vote for Pelosi but vote for someone else like he did many years ago?
Was it because she promised him her help on insurance reform?
Asked why he voted for Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker, he said, "I will tell you exactly why." "She came down to South Mississippi and heard the horror stories of people who had been cheated by the insurance companies. She listened, stood in a town hall meeting in Bay St. Louis and said, If you will let me be speaker, we will pass some insurance reform through the U.S. Congress, let you get your wind and water policy, all one policy, so that the next time, and there will be a next time, when we have a hurricane, people won't get screwed by the insurance companies; it doesn't matter if the wind, water did it or a barge goes through your house, you get paid," he said.If so, consider this. Nancy Pelosi promised Gene Taylor she would help him with insurance reform. So he says he voted for her. Now he says he will not vote for her (“She failed to support it this year, so I will not be voting for her again.”) so does that mean Gene Taylor has given up on insurance reform?
No, it means he wants to get reelected, that is his top priority. He will worry about insurance reform, worry about the Coast, later. His brilliant plan to get someone else to keep his promise failed, now he has no plan. That's the problem of being both ineffective and alienated from your party.
Bennie Thompson: Performance Measures to Secure Homeland Security $22 million for Tougaloo
So President Barack Obama signed a law to reduce waste and increase accountability in Homeland Security funds. Bennie Thompson said about the new law:
“Without reliable performance measures, we risk allotting scarce homeland security grant dollars to activities that do not boost our nation’s preparedness,” said Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security.We agree. Afterall, if we waste Homeland Security money, we won't have any to spend on those critical needs to keep our country safe and "boost our nation's preparedness." Things like...a $23 million earmark for Tougaloo for a program that apparently didn't exist.
In an earmark request for 2010 appropriations, Thompson’s Web site indicates that he is seeking $23 million for the “National Institute for Education and Training” at Tougaloo College for “an Operational Test and Evaluation Activity (OTEA) in Vicksburg, Mississippi…”
The money would be “an addition to existing programs” at the institutions, [Thompson's Chief of Staff Lanier] Avant said. Tougaloo “has one of the most renowned engineering programs of all the [historically black colleges and universities] in the country. … It’s not like Tougaloo is some kind of new kid on the block,” he said.
But Tougaloo does not offer an engineering major. The school’s course catalog indicates that there is not a single engineering class being taught at Tougaloo this semester. The school does have a joint program with the Georgia Institute of Technology that allows students to transfer there to get their engineering degree after finishing their liberal arts coursework at Tougaloo.
George Armstrong, a chemistry professor who serves as the interim director of Tougaloo’s National Institute for Education and Training in Transportation Security, said he had heard about the earmark but had no details about it.
“That is something just coming out,” Armstrong said. “I wouldn’t have known about it except I just happened to be in a meeting” where the project was mentioned, he said last week. “It hasn’t been fully defined … [though] I know our name is associated with that.”
Thursday, October 14, 2010
UM Cartoon: Bill Clinton and Panty Thief
Josh Clark at The Daily Mississippian and Marshall Ramsey at The Clarion Ledger with their takes on the Bill Clinton-Travis Childers campaign event at the University of Mississippi today.

Sun Herald Endorsement for Congress: My Grandfather
Last week the Sun Herald endorsed Star Trek's Khan for Congress. This week, they endorsed my grandfather. Let's go through it.
The Sun Herald is basically begging people to support Gene Taylor. Here are some excerpts and the translation.
Other than him not being a subcommittee chairman, the Sun Herald basically endorsed my grandfather to be congressman.
(And with Gene Taylor saying he won't vote for Nancy Pelosi, even if the Democrats retain the House, he won't be a subcommittee chairman next time.)
My grandfather and Gene Taylor have something else in common. Both have accomplished nothing for the Fourth Congressional District over the past twenty years.
That is the real reason thousands of sensible constituents of the 4th Congressional District will take a sure thing on another candidate.
The Sun Herald is basically begging people to support Gene Taylor. Here are some excerpts and the translation.
Those employees have no stronger advocate than Taylor.Taylor is an advocate.
And since he ranks fourth in seniority among the 60 members of the House Armed Services Committee, Taylor is in an especially advantageous position to be an advocate for the Coast.Taylor has seniority.
He also serves as chairman of the Seapower and Expeditionary Forces Subcommittee, which has an annual budget of approximately $60 billion to spend on Navy and Marine Corps programs.Taylor is a subcommittee chairman.
This is experience and stature that South Mississippians can take to the bank, and influence which could not be replaced anytime soon by any of Taylor’s opponents.Taylor has influence.
He’ll hop on a plane and go to the other side of the world if he thinks he can make life a little safer for Americans serving in harm’s way. His concern for and care for our troops is an important reason that he has long been so popular among South Mississippians.Taylor cares about the troops.
He lost everything but life to Katrina and he’s determined to make such disasters less ruinous for others. He is one of the most knowledgeable members of Congress on the insurance issue so important to Americans living near a shoreline — and that’s more than half of all Americans.Taylor is determined and knowledgeable.
So why would the sensible constituents of the 4th Congressional District gamble on another candidate?It is obvious. Gene Taylor is a determined and knowledgeable senior advocate with influence who chairs a subcommittee and cares about the troops.
Other than him not being a subcommittee chairman, the Sun Herald basically endorsed my grandfather to be congressman.
(And with Gene Taylor saying he won't vote for Nancy Pelosi, even if the Democrats retain the House, he won't be a subcommittee chairman next time.)
My grandfather and Gene Taylor have something else in common. Both have accomplished nothing for the Fourth Congressional District over the past twenty years.
That is the real reason thousands of sensible constituents of the 4th Congressional District will take a sure thing on another candidate.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Clinton's Schedule - Tuesday: Harry Reid; Thursday: Travis Childers
Former President Bill Clinton is trying to keep the liberal Democrats in control of Congress for two more years.
Tuesday he was in Nevada to help Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:
Tuesday he was in Nevada to help Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:
Joking that he was "preaching to the saved," former President Bill Clinton on Tuesday night urged a largely Democratic crowd to help return U.S. Sen. Harry Reid to Washington.Having left the Harry Reid event in Nevada, Bill Clinton now comes to Oxford, Mississippi to help Travis Childers.
At a rally inside Valley High School's gym, Clinton said that "in a normal time" Reid would be winning his re-election bid by 25 points and his GOP challenger Sharron Angle wouldn't be a electoral threat to the incumbent.
The crowd, which got invitations through the Democratic Party and from other Reid-friendly groups, stood and applauded when the senator and later Clinton took the stage.
Holding Reid signs, people applauded warmly several times when Clinton or Reid made a point -- and booed whenever Angle's name was mentioned. But people began to politely stream out of the gym as Clinton went on about the economy and the hour-long event was wrapping up just after 10 p.m.
"I assume you all are going to vote," Clinton said, knowing Democratic turnout must be high for Reid to win. "You've got to vote for Harry Reid."
Clinton most recently campaigned for Reid's son Rory, who is running far behind Republican Brian Sandoval in the gubernatorial race. The Reids have not campaigned together, both fearing they'll hurt one another's chances of election.
Clinton's visit comes more than a week before President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Las Vegas on a rescue mission to save Reid's re-election chances and to raise money for the Democrats.
In Las Vegas, Obama plans to attend a rally sponsored by the Democratic National Committee and a fundraiser for Reid in coordination with the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee.
The Obama rally will be a public event, aimed at boosting voter turnout and shoring up support for Reid and Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., locked in tight race with GOP challenger Joe Heck.
We think Clinton digs the Mustache

Bill Clinton will be in Oxford tomorrow to endorse Travis Childers. The message?

"Travis, 1972 called, it wants its mustache back."
Party with Childers, Hood, Presley, Mims
Y'all Politics shares the details about a Monday night party featuring Democratic Congressman Travis Childers, Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood, Democratic Transportation Commissioner Bill Minor, Democratic Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley, and nonpartisan judicial candidate Kelly Mims (who has a picture of Haley Barbour in his campaign commercials). No word if Jamie Franks or Bob Marley were there.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Investigative Reporting Blog on Bennie Thompson, Hinds Homeland Security funds
The Center for Investigative Reporting says the press missed a "politically intriguing" story about Hinds County, Homeland Security funds, and Congressman Bennie Thompson.
The Center for Investigative Reporting has offered up numerous stories by now of communities running into trouble with federal grants awarded to them by Washington for anti-terrorism and preparedness purposes. But one of the most politically intriguing so far surfaced in early October.
That’s when the Department of Homeland Security told local authorities in Hinds County, Miss., that they needed to return public-safety equipment purchased with the funds that went unused. The list of questioned gear apparently accumulating dust included tanks for oxygen masks, four-wheelers, search-and-rescue tools and even “heavy-duty trucks,” according to one local news account.
What did that news account neglect to mention? Hinds County is represented by Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson, chair of the powerful House Homeland Security Committee. Thompson doesn’t just back the $33 billion Congress has handed out in readiness grants to states and local communities since 2002. He’s chided FEMA for trying to implement a policy that would have required grantees to use their own money for maintaining equipment they’d already bought.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Obama: What, Me Worry?
Unemployment Up
Economy Down
War in Foreign Lands
His Democratic Party headed for electoral defeat
Obama hits links for 52nd golf day
Economy Down
War in Foreign Lands
His Democratic Party headed for electoral defeat
Obama hits links for 52nd golf day

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Gene Taylor All Smiles For Nancy Pelosi
The Mississippi Republican Party (hattip Majority) has posted a CSPAN clip showing how happy Gene Taylor was to vote for Nancy Pelosi. It speaks for itself.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Tea Party Goes Digital on Childers, Thompson
The Mississippi Tea Party now has digital billboards up. One with Travis Childers and Nancy Pelosi asks, "Do They speak for YOU?" we hear are up in Corinth, Columbus, and Tupelo.

Another features Bennie Thompson and Bill Marcy. This one in Greenville says "15 million out of work! VOTE Nov.2, You might be next." Next to Thompson it says "We're doing alright" and next to Marcy "We deserve better."

Another features Bennie Thompson and Bill Marcy. This one in Greenville says "15 million out of work! VOTE Nov.2, You might be next." Next to Thompson it says "We're doing alright" and next to Marcy "We deserve better."

Bennie T,
SanFrancy Pelosi,
Friday, October 8, 2010
Childers launches district wide working tour
From WDAM: "Congressman Childers to launch district wide working tour"
This of course begs the question, what has he been doing before now?
Childers says
Look, we know what Childers is trying to say; but it isn't what he is saying. But why is that any different from the rest of his leadership?
This of course begs the question, what has he been doing before now?
Childers says
"I've been working full-time since I was 16 years old. Serving the people of North Mississippi is the most important job I've had. Today, North Mississippi families are struggling to makes ends meet. I've been fighting to create and save jobs and improve our economy, protect seniors' Social Security savings, and provide our children with the quality education they need to succeed. It's important to me to hear from the people of the First District about these issues. That's why I've been in all 24 counties since day one. I look forward to continuing to put North Mississippi first by talking directly with voters about the real issues that matter to them."How can anyone be in all 24 counties since day one? Did he visit all counties on day one? Does he spend every day visiting all 24 counties? And when was day one? Was "day one" on Tuesday when he launched this tour? And if not, why do you tour some place where you already are and have been? Maybe tomorrow morning when each of us wake up, we should tour our own homes.
Look, we know what Childers is trying to say; but it isn't what he is saying. But why is that any different from the rest of his leadership?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sun Herald - Khan for Congress
Who knew the Sun Herald had actually endorsed a Ricardo Montalbán character for Congress?

But times have been tough.
The Sun Herald says he is for a strong national defense. Kirk agrees, "You have a tendency to express ideas in military terms, Mister Khan."
The Sun Herald says he is for a "smaller national debt that does not endanger our future with debilitating interest payments." Khan says, "We offered the world order!!"
The Sun Herald says Khan will fix the insurance problems, unfortunately, he replies, "You are in a position to demand nothing, sir. I, on the other hand, am in a position to grant nothing."Captain Palazzo, these people have sworn to live and die at my command two hundred twenty years before you were born a candidate.
Respond Mississippi respectfully disagrees with the Sun Herald. As Captain Kirk said to Spock, "We can be against him and admire him all at the same time."
Tanned and open-collared,TaylorKhan embodies the Coast wherever he goes, from Bay St. Louis to Afghanistan.

But times have been tough.
Yet his face has lost that boyish look. Partly, no doubt, because he just turned 57. But probably more so because he lost almost everything but life toKatrinaCeti Alpha V, an experience that aged us all.

The Sun Herald says he is for a strong national defense. Kirk agrees, "You have a tendency to express ideas in military terms, Mister Khan."
The Sun Herald says he is for a "smaller national debt that does not endanger our future with debilitating interest payments." Khan says, "We offered the world order!!"
The Sun Herald says Khan will fix the insurance problems, unfortunately, he replies, "You are in a position to demand nothing, sir. I, on the other hand, am in a position to grant nothing."
While we do not agree with him on everything,In the words of Khan, "Save your strength,Gene TaylorKhan Noonien Singh has never given us reason to think that he has anything but the best interests of his constituents at heart. Such loyalty deserves our support.
Respond Mississippi respectfully disagrees with the Sun Herald. As Captain Kirk said to Spock, "We can be against him and admire him all at the same time."
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Mississippi Tea Party Billboards - Childers, Pelosi, Thompson
The Mississippi Tea Party has billboards up connecting Travis Childers, Nancy Pelosi, and Bennie Thompson. It is a pleasant thing to see when traveling up and down the highway.
Bennie T,
SanFrancy Pelosi,
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