Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obama Takes Credit For Katrina Recovery

We suspect the Nobel Peace Prize has gone to his head, because now the Obama Administration is taking credit for Mississippi's Hurricane Katrina Recovery. The Associated Press has this quote from White House spokeswoman Gannet Tseggai:
President Obama’s commitment to Mississippi’s recovery is demonstrated by his tireless work to cut through the bureaucratic red tape and improve coordination among federal agencies and local partners who have too-often failed to collaborate in the past four years. As a result, public assistance projects that had been stuck for years have moved forward since the start of the Administration.
It's one thing for President Obama to skip Mississippi, the place where Hurricane Katrina hit, and visit New Orleans, the place where levees failed and flooded the city; but, it's another thing entirely, to take credit for our recovery, the bulk of which belongs to the "local partners" the White House says "have too-often failed to collaborate" with the feds. We still have a lot of recovery to do, and Mississippi appreciates assistance from the federal government - both Democrat and Republican. But of all the people who want to take credit for what has been done, President Obama should not be pushing to the front of the line.

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