Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hoodlum 101

Jim Hood just can't help himself. First he threatens to sue the state troopers; now he's working feverishly to protect their overtime pay. Does this make sense to anyone?

Apparently the AG has issued an official opinion that Governor Haley Barbour violated the Constitution when he partially vetoed legislation that would provide some type of payment for overtime work carried out by state troopers. The Governor has said this legislation would strip the Department of Public Safety of its management authority in dealing with issues, like overtime pay. (And, as far as the constitutionality of the issue is concerned, check out section 73 of the MS Constitution, which clearly states the Governor can partially veto any appropriations bills.)

One should expect valiant Hood to defend his opinion in normal fashion. You know, grandstanding against the Governor, demanding fairness for our state's "men and women in uniform," that sorta thing. I really, really hope he does.

After all, wasn't it Hood who, less than 3 weeks ago during the state's budget debacle, threatened to sue our state troopers to prevent them from protecting me and you? Yep. Consider this nugget from WLBT:
Department of Public Safety spokesperson Jon Kalahar said Hood's comments are premature. "Even if there is some chance that a budget is not passed by midnight Tuesday, troopers will still be out enforcing the rules of the road," said Kalahar in a phone interview.

"If they try to operate we'll have to file a suit to stop that and join that type of suit. We're talking about lawsuits everywhere next week," warned Hood.

Well, well, well. He threatens to sue the state troopers (while warning of impending lawsuits "everywhere").

Is this guy for real? Sheesh.

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