Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Breaking the No-Tax Promise

The Americans for Tax Reform pledge is very simple.
Mississippi Taxpayer Protection Pledge

I, ___________, pledge to the taxpayers of the ________ District of the
State of Mississippi and to all the people of this state, that I will oppose and
vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.
No one has to sign it, but it is an effective tool in demonstrating conservative bonafides in an election year and showing you are different from tax and spenders.

These Mississippi elected officials kept their pledge when they voted against the Mississippi cigarette tax increase:
Representative Larry Baker, Representative William Denny Jr., Representative Mark Formby, Representative Stephen Horne, Representative William W. Janus, Representative John Moore, Representative Billy Pigott, and Senator Lee Yancy
These Mississippi elected official broke their promise and voted for higher taxes:
Representative Richard Bennett, Representative Gary A. Chism, Representative Bobby B.. Howell, Representative Bennett Malone, Representative Rita Martinson, Representative Bobby Moak, Representative Alex Monsour, Representative Ray Rogers, Representative Johnny Stringer, Representative Jessica Upshaw, Representative Joseph L. Warren, Senator Sidney Albritton, Senator Billy Hudson, Senator Tom King, Senator Dean Kirby, and Senator Alan Nunnelee.
Governor Haley Barbour and Lieutenant Governor Phil Bryant also signed the pledge.

Y'all Politics and Majority in Mississippi also have this story.

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