Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama: Healthcare or More People Will Die

Our favorite part of President Barack Hussein Obama's speech was when he said if Congress does not pass healthcare reform that more people will die. Seriously Obama. More people will die? And you accuse Republicans of scare tactics. Pass my bill or people will die. Hell, that's almost a threat.

It reminds us of his Democratic Nomination victory speech when he told America, "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." Again, really Obama?

So he will heal the world and make it so fewer people die (by the way, the mortality rate is pretty consistent over the past several centuries at 100%). What's next? Will he use the Hubble Telescope to direct a cosmic symphony that brings all the comets of the galaxy into undestructive orbits? Nah. He is saving that for his second term.

Really Obama? "More will die." Really?

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