Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mo money, mo money, mo money

Trial lawyers continue fundraising for Supreme Court Justice Jim Kitchens who won his seat last fall (after spending nearly $1 million on the campaign) and now sits on the Court. It is to pay off a loan Kitchens took out a week before the election. So, if you want to give money to a sitting Supreme Court Justice to pay off a loan, its legal, and you can do it at Hal and Mal's with the following hosts:

Bob Arentson (Baker Donelson), Jack Dunbar (Holcomb Dunbar), Christy Jones (Butler Snow), Charles Wright, Rick Nelson (Bryan Nelson), Sam Thomas (Underwood Thomas), and Merrida Coxwell (Coxwell & Associates).

Just remember, you can't give more than $5000. Because this is good government, but $5500 goes too far for judicial ethics. More than $5000, and someone might think you're trying to buy the court.

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